"Paul Levinson's It's Real Life is a page-turning exploration into that multiverse known as rock and roll. But it is much more than a marvelous adventure narrated by a master storyteller...it is also an exquisite meditation on the very nature of alternate history." -- Jack Dann, The Fiction Writer's Guide to Alternate History

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Action Makes Better Heroes

A shoot 'em up Heroes 3.15 tonight - the second episode of the new 2009 militaristic volume...

Best scene was Zeljko Ivanek's character Danko - he gets around, last year Damages, this year True Blood, and now Heroes - leading a military unit, firing in cold blood at some of our heroes. Claire and Daphne are shot dead - guess who survives. It was a powerful scene.

HRG is not quite going along with Nathan, who is not quite as evil as he seems, either. Danko is. And, at this point, he's the worst point-blank villain.

Sylar, who's become a dark knight Batman, is probably not as bad as Danko either. And Sylar has picked up a kindred spirit, a dark squire Robin. He lived next door to Sylar's real father ... I'd say it's at least a 50/50% chance that they're brothers.

I'm liking the pace and the action in these 2009 episodes. Less metaphysical angst, more bullets, makes for better Heroes...

See also Heroes 3 Begins: Best Yet, Riddled with Time Travel and Paradox ... Sylar's Redemption and other Heroes and Villains Mergers ... Costa Nuclear ... Hearts of Gold and the Debased ... Seeing the Future Trumps Time Travel ... Superpowered Chess with Shifting Pieces ... Villains and Backstories ... The Redemption of Sylar ... Thoughts on the Eclipse, Part I ... The Lore of the Comic Book Store ... Hiro's Time Traveling Closure ... Augmented ... Heroes Gets Lost

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