Both realities focus on Sun and Jin. In L.A., we find they're not yet married. We know that something no good is going to happen to Jin, because we saw him being held by Keamy at the end of 6.6, in which Keamy is dispatched by Sayid. Tonight, we have the pleasure of seeing Sayid give Jin a razor so Jin can free himself. Jin then shoots and kills Mikhail - tonight's one new intersecting character (I wonder if he'll rise from the dead as back on the island - probably not). All of that is good. But in the struggle with Mikhail, Sun is shot - in the stomach. And she's pregnant (she was about to tell Jin in the hotel room, after a very tender love scene). This is what I meant about alternate-better LA reality being not so good tonight.
Sun's pregnancy, now in serious jeopardy, also raises some serious questions. Sun and Jin in the hotel room could not have been the first time for them - though it seemed pretty new for them - if Jin is the father. That presumably is the case, for why else would Sun have wanted to tell Jin? But, unless this L.A. reality is also different prior to L.A. - which has been the case for other major characters - then Sun in L.A. has also been sleeping with the other guy back in Seoul.
Meanwhile, back on the islands, we find that Widmore knows how to lock-out faux-Locke - Widmore set up some pylons on the shore. Widmore is sure that if faux-Locke gets off the island, he'll kill Penny and Sun and Jin's child and who knows who else. Desmond will apparently play some crucial role in this - we see him in Widmore's facility in the last scene.
So where do we stand in the looming battle for the island, and indeed, maybe the world? Widmore vs. faux-Locke, for sure. Sawyer made clear in his episode a few weeks ago that he's on no one's team, though he cares about Kate. Claire's still out to get Kate, and f-Locke tells Claire he still needs Kate, but once she serves her purpose - attracting more people to leave with f-Locke - Claire can do with Kate as Claire pleases. And Jack will oppose faux-Locke, but to what extent will he work with Widmore? Should be some good final episodes ahead.
5-min podcast review of Lost
See also Lost Season Six Double Premiere ... Three Questions Arising from the Lost Season Six Premiere: Linkage Between Two Realities, Dead Bodies Inhabited, Who/What Survived H-Blast? ... Lost 6.3: Kate and Claire, Tenacious Details, and Dr. Arzt's Arse at the Airport ... Lost 6.4: Better LA, Wilder Island, Some Partial Answers at Last ... Lost 6.5: Jack's Family and Prester John's Speculum ... Lost 6.6: Sayid the Assassin in Both Realities ... Lost 6.7: A Better Ben in Both Realities ... Lost 6.8: The Third Team ... Lost 6.9: Richard's Story
More Lost - see : The Richard-Locke Compass Time Travel Loop ...
and Lost Returns in 5 Dimensions and 5.3: The Loops, The Bomb ... 5.4: A Saving Skip Back in Time ... 5.5 Two Time Loops and Mind Benders ... 5.6 A Lot of Questions ... 5.7 Bentham and Ben ... 5.8 True Love Ways ... 5.9 Two Times and a Baby ... 5.10 The Impossible Cannot Happen ... 5.11 Clockwork Perfect Time Travel ... 5.12: Ben v. Charles, and Locke' Slave ... 5.13: Lost Meets Star Wars and the Sixth Sense ... The Problem with Baby Aaron and the Return of the Oceanic Six ... 5.14: Eloise, Daniel, and Obsession Trumping Paradox ... 5.15: Moral Compasses in Motion ... Lost Season 5 Finale: Jacob and Locke
The Plot to Save Socrates
"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News
"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book
You think f-Locke will ever drop the f-bomb?lol
Oh wait, my bad, they dropped an H-bomb instead.:)
It was nice to see the loop, so to speak, of Jin and how he wound up in the care of Keamy. I did find it interesting that Sun and Jin aren't married right now and since that is different then perhaps the "other" man never happened as well? So this could be Jin's child, just like the one they conceived on the island.
Now, as for the "package", obviously the assumption here is the package is Desmond. Especially since Widmore said, "Not what, who?" Desmond has been the wild card since his introduction at the beginning of Season 2. Although his appearances have been sporadic, he always seems to turn up at key times during the show (Hatch exploding, the rescue, shifting through time, and of course now). Some speculated in earlier postings that Desmond might be shifting between the two realities.
So, if that is the case, maybe Widmore is hoping to shift UnLocke into the "other", Alt-LA reality? Where there is no island to protect the world from his insatiable appetite for destruction? Widmore could be over playing the scope that UnLocke is capable of, just to get Jin to go along with him, but we'll have to wait and see there.
Regardless, UnLocke is highly perturbed at Widmore, that's obvious. He's ready to tear the man limb from limb, but the island just keeps getting in his way. Along with rebellious members of his team that don't really want to work with him (honestly they are all wrapped up in their own little worlds). Meanwhile Jack and company seem to all be getting along very well lately, even with Ben. That certainly plays up the persona of good vs. evil; Good you work as a team, evil you work for yourself alone.
I'm loving it! Can't wait for all of this to come to a head and see what Widmore is going to do with Desmond. He is a key and as Widmore so eloquently put it, the island isn't done with him yet.
Absolutely, about Desmond being the one to move through both realities - here's what I said a few days after the premiere of this season - "Other possible evidence of linkage: Desmond the time traveler on the LAX plane. If there's a character that could move between two alternate realities, it would be Desmond, who can move through time."
Will be fun to see how this plays out tonight!
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