Which, I think, misses the point entirely.
Was television a better kind of radio? Was early word processing a better kind of typewriting? Was writing a better kind of speaking?
Of course - but those new media were much more - they were new media, which did things so far beyond their predecessors that they deserved and received a different name.
The "phone" in iPhone should signal that is a very different beast from the iPod. Sure, it plays MP3s and podcasts. But its telephone and web-play features make it an entirely different and unique kind of beast...
See also: Hats off to George Hotz ... iPhone Arrives - I Predicted It in 1979 and iPhone Boosts Literacy and History Lesson: iPhone Sales Will Exceed Expectations and New York Times' David Pogue Sings "I Want An iPhone" to "My Way" ... Nano iPhone and the Dymaxion Principle ... Harry Potter and iPhone ...
and ... I'll be talkin' iPhone on my weekly KNX1070 Sunday interview, 7:20am Pacific time, July 8
The Plot to Save Socrates
"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News
"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book
So, is iPhone enough different that it will have the same long-term effects that TV has? What would Jerry Mander ("Four Arguments for Elimination of Television") think?
I just discovered your blog (although I do believe I've heard your "voice" before -- maybe on NPR?).
I've started to express myself online at iPhone Lansing.
Welcome to Infinite Regress, Pat...
Jerry Mander? Given his inane views about watching television - that it causes cancer, and renders us irrational - who knows what he would think about iPhones ... :)
But, yes, I think that iPhones - the capacity to connect fully to the Web, from anywhere - might well be as significant as telephone and television put together...
I'm on NPR about once a year - I think the last time I was talking about the impact of cell phones, last year...
I'll go check our iPhone Lansing...
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