22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Paul Levinson Interviewed about Old and New Media by Mark Molaro on The Alcove

Mark Molaro - the Charlie Rose of the Internet - interviewed me a few weeks ago about the state and future of old and new media, and what I call "new new media" - not just the web, but YouTube, blogging, podcasting and their impact on our lives and uses in education. Twenty-five minutes of civilized conversation, in which I talk about everything from Bill O'Reilly telling me to "shut up" on his radio show earlier this month (not civilized, but one of my proudest moments) to Rich Sommer coming over to this blog last month and correcting a small error I made when posting about Mad Men (an example of the self-correcting powers of the Web - Rich plays Harry Crane on Mad Men).

Mark Molaro's interviews on "The Alcove" are the best I've seen on the Web - the interview immediately preceding mine was of Peter, Paul, and Mary's Peter Yarrow - and I'm happy to be among them...

Books discussed in the interview...

Mark Molaro has a group on Facebook well worth joining.

Thanks to Emon Hassan for putting Mark in touch with me.

Listen also to my interview of Rich Sommer on Light On Light Through


Anonymous said...

Great interview, Paul!

Mike Plugh said...

Mark's work is very interesting and I appreciate the low key approach to dialogue that can only be found on NPR, PBS, and the Internet.

Nice work Mark and Paul.

Anonymous said...

Nice interview Paul...I'm glad I checked in. I haven't been watching much regular TV this season.

I posted your video over at Bob Dobbs Fivebodied forum.



~Foo Fighter~
