22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Tell Me You Love Me Concludes for First Season

A very satisfying finale to Tell Me You Love Me on HBO On Demand last night...

1. Jaime and Hugo's getting back together and married was entirely motivated. I also liked the realistic way this episode built up to their happy ending. They meet in a gas station mart. Next have dinner, but don't sleep together. Instead, they talk later that night on the phone... and seal the deal. There surely were more people with broken hearts in the world before Alexander Graham Bell.

2. Palek walks out, Carolyn loses their baby, Palek comes back. A harsh arc, but it's about the only way the couple could have proceeded. What's not entirely clear is whether Carolyn will ever completely forgive Palek (I would say not - but there was no clear indication one way or another on the show).

3. Katie and David come this close to splitting, but - at last - make passionate love. This was predictable - but nonetheless satisfying.

And let me say here that Ally Walker's acting as Katie was really exceptional - last night and on the entire series. She had just the right mix of vulnerability, hope, and fatigue. All the acting on the series was excellent - the women (Michelle Borth as Jaime and Sonya Walger as Carolyn) standing out maybe a little more than the men (Tim DeKay as David and Adam Scott as Palek) (and Ian Somerhalder as Nick and Luke Farrell Kirby as Hugo with less screen time as Jaime's guys) - but it was all fine, and Ally Walker was the best of the best.

Along with Jane Alexander, who was superb as Dr. May Foster, and as I've said before, has never put in anything less than a great performance in anything I've ever seen.

As I also said in my preview review of the first show, Tell Me You Love Me wasn't really about the nudity, though that certainly made for some nice scenes.

But the show was about relationships, and I'm looking forward to Season Two. Will we be seeing these three couples again? I'd say probably not, but I have no information about this. Surely May Foster will be back - with David Selby as her husband Arthur - and you can be sure I'll be posting reviews right here on Infinite Regress.

Hey, it's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it...

See also Tell Me You Love Me on HBO and Tell Me You Love Seven Times ... and Episode 8 ...

5-minute podcast about Tell Me You Love Me

The Plot to Save Socrates

"challenging fun" - Entertainment Weekly

"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News

"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book

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