22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Paul Levinson Lectures on Freedom and Media

Apologies for the third person in the title, but I thought it would make a more informative title than "I"... Either way, you'll find here my lectures, and interviews, about freedom and media. At present, you can see

my 60-minute November 5, 2007 avatar interview in Second Life, conducted by Kenny Hubble (Ken Hudson)

my 50-minute September 28, 2007 lecture to my Fordham University class on the mainstream media mistreatment of Ron Paul

my 60-minute June 28, 2005 Keynote Address at Fordham University on "The Flouting of the First Amendment" (here's the transcript)

and videos of my science fiction

I expect to be adding new and old lectures to this series, every now and then. (You can click on the icon to the left of the > at the bottom of the screen, and then "Guide," for a complete list of available episodes.)

The videos in this series will usually be at least 30 minutes in length, and often an hour or more, in contrast to my YouTube videos, which are usually interview clips of me of just a few minutes. (Some of these "Lectures on Freedom" videos, however, may also be on YouTube, as series of 10-minute clips.)

You can also subscribe to these lectures on freedom and media on iTunes.

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