The President and his advisors, in true 24-fashion, thought until after the launch itself that the payload was a nuclear weapon, aimed at the United States. The fact that it was a satellite, with transmission turned out towards the universe (not back to Earth, like our telecom satellites), showed not only that it was not intended to destroy us (at least, not immediately) but it likely was also not intended to communicate just across time.
Of course, for all we know, it is some sort of tachyon communication device across time, too. But, at very least, even if there is a time travel (or communicating across time) element, it is coupled with a transmission out into space too. In other words, whatever else these ageless people may be, they seem to have an undeniable outer space connection.
By the way, while we're on the subject of communicating across time, we of course do that all the time. You're reading this blog whenever - but I'm writing it now at about 10:21pm Eastern time - in other words, these words have traveled x number of minutes, hours, days, maybe years (depending upon when you're reading this) across time, in the good old natural way that started when the first humans carved or painted something upon a wall or tree. We also do this every time look at a photograph.
Ah, I could write about this stuff all night!
Anyway, the other big news in tonight's Event is that Leila's father is alien! Or, at least, he doesn't age. Someone suggested this in a comment to my review of last week's Event. Hey - maybe he/she was able to glimpse the future ...
5-min podcast review of The Event
See also The Event Debuts on NBC ... The Event 1.2: Aliens! ... The Event 1.4: 24 Back in Action! ... The Event 1.6: Not Only Aliens, Immortals! ... The Event 1.7: The Portal and its Implications ... The Event 1.8: The "Republican" VP and the Anti-24 ... The Event 1.9: "Native Populations, Indigenous People"
The Plot to Save Socrates
"a Da Vinci-esque thriller" - New York Daily News
"Sierra Waters is sexy as hell" - curled up with a good book