22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Preliminary Predictions for Lost Finale

Well, with no new Lost on last night, I thought I'd put down some preliminary predictions for how I see this whole magical mystery tour ending.

First and foremost, I've thought since the beginning of this final season that what I've been calling the "alternate better LA reality" will merge into our original ongoing island reality.   I still feel that way now, with just a handful of episodes left.

Why do I call this alternate reality "better"?   (Everyone knows it's alternate.)  The reason is by and large every single major character in LA  is happier, more fulfilled, than on the island.   Ben and Claire are the most dramatic examples.   So is Desmond - doing far better in LA than down the well on the island.  Sawyer seems to be enjoying his life and work in LA far more than what he has now on the island (though his time with Juliet on the island was great while it lasted).   Jack is happier as a doctor in LA.  Sayid's now in custody in LA, but that's a lot better than being a "zombie," as Sawyer accurately put Sayid's status on the island last week.  And Nadia's alive in LA.  Hurley and Libby are connecting in LA -  a lot better than Hurley's situation on the island, even though he's getting more respect there.   Keamy's dead in LA, no worse than what he is on the island.  Faraday's alive and well in LA, a lot better than what happened to him on the island.  Same for Charlotte. Same for Charlie, Boone,  Elana - they're all alive in Los Angeles.  And although Charlie did reach heroic proportions before his death on the island, he's beginning to find himself in LA.  Sun and Jin are finally together on the island, but they're also together in LA, and that's certainly more secure for them.   Locke is in bad shape in a hospital in LA - courtesy of Desmond's car - but that's certainly better than being dead and inhabited by MIB on the island.   Only Kate is arguably in better shape on the island than in LA, where she is in custody, but I have a feeling things will soon take a turn for the worse for Kate on the island.

But why is this "better" part of the alternate LA reality so important?  Because it shows what our characters can be, free of the island's sway.   And I believe that when this better LA reality collapses into the island reality, it will have the effect of lifting all of our characters on the island.  Whether each one leaves the island or not, every character will have a clear vision of what her or his life can be.

How will this merge happen?   We've seen the beginning of it already, with Desmond on a mission to put everyone in alternate LA reality in touch with their true, original island selves.   Desmond is the catalyst.   And the person most likely to make this happen, to flip the switch, at this point, is Faraday.   He already told Desmond in LA that he, Faraday, had a sense that this - LA - wasn't the way it was supposed to be, and that Faraday thought he had been responsible, and that he had altered the course of reality with a bomb.

And I'll be back soon with more predictions - including who will live, and why.

7-min podcast review of Lost

See also Lost: Keys to What's Really Going On

1 comment:

TheLooper said...

Hmmm, now that's more intriguing to predict who will live. If I may, I'd like to enter in my ideas about who is going to survive the merger, since that does seem to be where everything is potentially heading:
Live Losties:
1. Jack, but on the island-I think Jack will become the next Jacob.
2. Hurley-in the alt-LA where he's much more respected and could have Libby
3. Locke-either in Atl-La, with the use of his legs, or as MIB on the island forever bound, with Jack.
4. Sun and Jin-because they almost seem like innocent bystanders in all this mess, only seems fair to let them live on in the island reality where they go home to their child.
5. Claire-she deserves to get back to Aaron, however if she kills Kate I'll feel differently.
6. Jacob-Through Jack, Jacob shall live again.
7. The Island-If Jack stays, no reason the island shouldn't survive too.
8. Rest of the world-because MIB is stopped/destroyed.
Dead Losties:
1. Locke-already dead, may die in Alt-LA and MIB certainly needs to die!
2. Kate-I love this woman, she's hot, but let's face it she is a fugutive and doesn't seem good in either reality, plus I wouldn't be shocked if Claire kills her when she least expects it.
3. Sawyer-is just a tragic character and regardless, his unavoidable fate has occurred in both realities. So whether he dies a heroic police officer or a swindling con man, Sawyer won't last much longer.
4. Sayid-He's Iraqi, he deserves to die! No, not really, but honestly, he's a baaaaaaaaaaaaad man in either reality with some baaaaaaaaaaaad habits. Don't expect him to last long.
5. Desmond-Widmore said he'll have to make a sacrifice and we've already seen Desmond willing to do that with The Hatch once. Somehow I can't picture him turning it on Widmore and killing someone else, just not his style. Maybe Sawyer or Sayid, but not Desmond.
6. Widmore-Let's face it, he's got to go! He's a jerk any way you slice it, rich well to do man that thinks he can do whatever he wants in either reality. It's nice to see some people like that go sometimes.:) Plus, I have the feeling MIB will make hash of him before it's all said and done. Maybe they'll take each other out in a blaze of glory?
7. Charlie, Boone, Elana, Shannon, Michael, and any other Lostie who's already dead, but is alive in the Alt-La reality-great they are still there now, but shouldn't be.
8. Claire-She may be playing Kate right now, have to wait and see. If she does kill Kate, she's a goner. Sawyer will probably kill Claire with his bare hands for doing so.
9. MIB-I would love to see this thing die and see how badly it dies!
10. The Island-So if Jack doesn't stay, I think the island becomes a sacrifice. It may even be destroyed if/when MIB is destroyed.
