22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Peek at my Graduate Class at Fordham Last Night, Talking about the New York Times Spoof

CW-11 Television came by my class graduate class in "Media Research Methods" last night at Fordham University, to interview me about the New York Times spoof. The clip played at the top of CW-11's News at 10pm on Channel 11 last night.

The class looks great. Raylene Robinson , a student, makes a very astute point.

And now, through the magic of the Internet, you can be right there ...


Anonymous said...

a million copies

Anonymous said...

"All the news we hope to print." I second that emotion.

On political forums and blogs, most people say things like "if only it were true ..." which seems defeatist to me, especially after the results of the last election.

In a media related question, how do you feel the NYT-SE prank compares with the seeding of newspapers around the country with that terrorist DVD before the election? That seemed to be very obviously politically motivated to scare voters into continuing the neocon policies of Bush/Cheney. Vote for McCain or the terrorists will kill you.

The NYT-SE could be seen as politically motivated if it was meant to get people to wake up from the national nightmare of the last 8 years and through parody, get them to imagine a different course.
