22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Faux Rahm Emanuel Bleeped on Saturday Night Live for Saying Real Words

In case you didn't see this message from "Rahm Emanuel" (played by Andy Samberg of "Dick in a Box" fame) recorded for Saturday Night Live, but, strangely, unplayed on Saturday's show...

I love when the line between reality and satire gets so thin.... After all, Rahm Emanuel really does talk that way - see the hilariously true RahmFacts for details. And didn't Joe Scarborough just say something like that, at least once, just a few weeks ago?

Yes, he did. And, you know, the only thing that bothers me about the SNL skit is that the language was bleeped out - which was sad - but also funny.

As I said in a blog post about Thom Yorke's song lyrics a few years ago, the bleeping out of "f*ck" in this day and age - actually, in any day and age - is fucking ridiculous.

Goes to show - truth can still be funnier than fiction...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe they didnt include this in the real show--it's funnier than anything they did except the brilliant Arianna Huffington impression. It's actually kind of funnier with the bleeping than it would be without it, but I agree that the censorship of language is unfortunate, especially in late-night tv. I absolutely love, though, that Scarborough is the only one on MSNBC who has a seven-second delay. Sometimes censorship can be delicious irony.
--jude jones

word verification: "Bactio"--The latest Superhero, with incredible anti-bacterial powers!

Anonymous said...

Fuck the FCC.

Paul Levinson said...

Jude - Good point about Joe...

Rich - can't be said, often enough...

Victor S. Gomez said...

hello friend. good work. have a good one morning

Paul Levinson said...

Thanks, Victor - welcome to Infinite Regress.
